The Blog Without Qualities
Review of original CDr version of 'Parsimònia'
After some praise for this cdr popping up here and there, I checked it out a while back,
did the lazy old "I'll just skip through it and see what the deal is" thing and obviously
totally missed all the good bits. I remember thinking this was another one of those
single-note-for-an-hour deals and putting it off, but while it might not be the most active
disc ever, its far from that.
What it is though is probably one of the more cinematic guitar-drone discs I've heard in ages.
it's unabashed in its cinematickyness, but in the end its good enough that you don't care,
like some stars of the lid tunes are kinda cartoony in their use of synth riffs or whatever,
but still end up being solid tracks all round. good for people who've decided they dont need
their drone albums to have eai-influenced clicking and whirring, or sounds which make you
think the speakercones are melting. That brown stain, by the way, is the truly inspired cover art.
The Mook of Disquiet
Sunday 22 May 2005